Fairfield County, South Carolina
Sheriff Will Montgomery
P.O. Box 387
Winnsboro, SC 29180
Office Phone: 803-635-4141
Fax: 803-635-3325
Detention Center: 803-635-4841
Fairfield County
County Seat: Winnsboro
Population: 22,653
Square Miles: 710
Employment with Fairfield County
Administration: 803-635-4141
- Chief Deputy - Brad Douglas
- Administrator - Terrie Smith
- Training - Lieutenant Chris Childers
Civil Process
- Captain Brue Ginyard
- Lieutenant Jarrett Douglas
Communications: 803-635-5511
- Jennifer McGriff
Courts: 803-815-4070
- Judy Bonds
- Beverly Bookert
Detention Center: 803-635-4841
- Harriett Squirewell
- Captain Jeff Talbert
- Lieutenant Bill Dove
- Lieutenant Melissa Cooper
- Captain Ross Sparks
SC Highway Patrol: 803-581-8816
- SHP, Captain B. J. Albert
Chiefs of Police:
- Winnsboro, Vacant: 803-635-2222